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Academic Appointments


Assistant Professor                         University of Toledo 2021-present

Visiting Assistant Professor            University of Toledo 2020-2021

Postdoctoral Fellow                        Kilachand Honors College, Boston University, 2018 - 2020




Ph.D.                                                  Department of English, The Ohio State University, May 2018.

                                                           Long Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Postcolonial Theory


M.A.                                                   Department of English, The Ohio State University, April 2014.


B.A.                                                    Department of English, John Carroll University, Dec. 2010.

                                                           summa cum laude

                                                           Spanish minor


Awards and Fellowships


Pushcart Prize Nominee: Poetry, 2020.

Merit Award (First Place), The Arts Commission, 2020.

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute (NEH): “City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press,” 6/2020.


Winner, Diode Editions Chapbook Contest, 2020.

The Boston Athenæum Community Fellowship, Boston Athenæum, 2019-2020.

Honorable Mention, The Muste Dissertation Award, Department of English, The Ohio State University, Spring 2019.

Finalist, The Hellebore Poetry Scholarship, December 2018.

Notable Graduate Leader Award, Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Excellence at Ohio State University, May 2018.

Dissertation & Thesis Completion Fellowship, Department of English, The Ohio State University, Spring 2018.


New York University/Purdue University Supernumerary Conference Travel Grant, North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA), Spring 2017.


Chris Vanden Bossche Graduate Student Travel Award, Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS), Spring 2017.


Project Narrative Grant, The Ohio State University, Spring 2017.


Arts and Humanities Graduate Research Grant. The Ohio State University, Fall 2016.


Margaret Blickle Award, English Department. The Ohio State University, Fall 2016.


Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service, The Ohio State University, Spring 2015.


Sacks Award for the Best Graduate Paper in Narrative Studies, English Department, The Ohio State University, Spring 2015.


Graduate Enrichment Fellowship, The Ohio State University, Autumn 2012—Summer 2013.


Book Projects

Romanticism and the Poetics of Orientation (advance contract with SUNY Press, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century Series, edited by Pamela Gilbert)

Body Facts. (Richmond, VA: Diode Editions, forthcoming 2021)                                                  

"The 'Yellow' Nineteenth Century" (in progress)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


“Byron’s Cosmopolitan ‘East.’” Essays in Romanticism 27.2 (Fall 2020).


"Romanticism, Orientalism, Orientation.” Keats-Shelley Journal: “200 Years, 50 Voices” Special Issue.

Volume LXVIII (forthcoming)   

“Reflections on Scholarly Research Databases.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 33.1

“Disorienting ‘Shapes’ in Shelley’s The Revolt of Islam.” Keats-Shelley Review: Special Issue on The Revolt of Islam: Texts, Subtexts, Contexts 32.2 (September 2018).


“Cross-Genre Modes in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children and Thomas Moore’s Lalla Rookh.” The Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies (forthcoming Fall 2018). 


Public Scholarship

“Orientalism in the Age of COVID-19.” Los Angeles Review of Books, March 24, 2020.

Hanbok.” Objects That Matter, Fashion & Race Database, 2020.

“The Precarity of the Asian American Body in the Era of COVID-19.” Spark: Elevating Scholarship on Social Issues, The Online Magazine of the National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan. May 2020.

Works in Progress

“‘Scornful Eye’: Racialized Continental Subjects.” NASSR Special Issue of European Romantic Review Winter/Spring 2022 (invited piece)


“Reading The Oriental; or, Tung-Ngai San-Luk: The Second Chinese-Language Newspaper in the U.S.” American Periodicals (invited revision)




Review of David LeHardy Sweet’s Avant-Garde Orientalism: The Eastern ‘Other’ in Twentieth-Century Travel Narrative and Poetry. Postcolonial Studies 21.1 (February 2018): 1-3.


Review of John Zilcosky’s Uncanny Encounters: Literature, Psychoanalysis, and the End of Alterity. European Legacy 22.5 (March 2017): 621-3.


Review of Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric. The Journal: A Literary Magazine (Spring 2015).


Conference Papers and Presentations

The Oriental; or, Tung-Ngai San-Luk: The Second Chinese-Language Newspaper in the U.S.” C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Conference, University of Miami and Florida International University, April 2020. (scheduled)

“Orienting and Reorienting Romanticism: Byron’s ‘East’ in Lara.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR), Chicago, IL, August 2019.

“Racialized Subjects in Phillis Wheatley’s ‘On Being Brought from Africa to America’ and William Blake’s ‘Europe Supported by Africa and America.’” New Eyes on the Eighteenth Century X: Dinner Symposium, Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard, Cambridge, MA, February 2019.


El Cronista: Hispanic American Readers in the Nineteenth Century.” American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Symposium on “Editorship as Collaboration: Patterns of Practice in Multi-Ethnic Periodicals,” Worcester, MA, April 2018. 


“Orientalist Aesthetics in Shelley’s The Revolt of Islam.” Keats-Shelley House/American Academy in Rome Conference, Rome, Italy. December 2017.


Byron’s Pilgrimage as Commentary on ‘The Heroic Age of Popular Radicalism’ (1816-20): Childe Harold’s Radical Alterity.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR), Ottawa, Ontario, August 2017.


Reading Marriage and Kinship into Anthony Trollope’s Serial Form: A Formalist Approach to Can You Forgive Her? North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA), Florence, Italy, May 2017.


“Blake’s Marriage of Queer Bodies: The Interplay of Visual and Textual Matters.” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS) Conference. Philadelphia, PA, March 2017.


“Phillis Wheatley’s Transatlantic Imagination: Toward an Aesthetics of Feminist Fancy.” The Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA) Conference. Columbus, OH, November 2015.


“Felicia Hemans’s ‘The Indian City’ As Nationalist Critique: Maimuna’s Transformative Passion.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR), Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 2015.


“‘Woman’ as Epistemological Problem in Felicia Hemans’s ‘Woman on the Field of Battle.’ British Women Writers Conference. The Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), June 2015.


“Wordsworth’s Elegiac Lucy Poems: Craving (Re)-Enchantment Through Repetition.” International Conference on Romanticism. University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN, September 2014.


“Formalism and Nonsense in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest.” Queer Places, Practices, Lives II Conference. The Ohio State University, May 2014.


“William Blake’s Queer Phenomenology: Beyond the (Gender) Binary.” Ohio University Queer Studies Conference. Athens, OH, April 2013.


Conference/Event Organizing

“An Evening with Min Jin Lee.” Lecture, Reading, and Discussion of Pachinko and The Koreans series. Co-curricular event organizer and chair, Kilachand Honors College, January 2019.

Invited Talks


Speaker, MLA Job Placement Workshop, The Ohio State University. August 2019  


ROAR Story Slam - Los Angeles. Korean American Story, March 2019.

Publishing Mentorship Roundtable. Northeast Modern Language Association, Washington, D.C., March 2019.


Postdoctoral Fellow Research Panel. Boston University – Kilachand Honors College, September 2018.


McNair Scholars Graduate School Info Session. CUNY Hunter College, November 2017. 


“Orientalism.” The Council of Korean-Americans National Summit & Gala. Washington, D.C., October 2017.


Second-Level Writing Program Pedagogical Training Panel. The Ohio State University, April 2017.


Oscar Wilde Panel on Moisés Kaufman’s Gross Indecency: the three trials of Oscar Wilde. Contemporary American Theatre Company (CATCO), November 2016.

Teaching Experience

Boston University, Kilachand Honors College

            Fall 2018 to present

  • Kilachand Writing Studio I & II

  • Interdisciplinary Senior Seminar on Innovation, Culture & Society


The Ohio State University, Department of English

            August 2013–May 2018

  • Selected Works of British Literature: 1800 to Present

  • World Literature (Online Course)

  • Transatlantic Romanticism

  • The Rhetoric of Storytelling

  • Nineteenth-Century Women Writers

  • Transnational “Imagined Communities”

  • Language, Identity, and Culture in the U.S. Experience, 1800 to the Present

  • Intermediate Writing: Art and Entertainment Genres


Professional Service, Outreach, and Development


Diversity Recruiter, Kilachand Honors College: Admissions Diversity Recruitment Campaign, Spring 2019.

Invited Judge, ROAR Story Slam - Los Angeles. Korean American Story, March 2019.

Affiliated Scholar, Recited Verses, The University of San Francisco (forthcoming 2019).


President, The Diversity and Identity Studies Collective at OSU (DISCO) Executive Board. (AU 2016–SP 2017)

  • Planned and executed university-wide events for faculty and graduate students interested in diverse identities and pedagogies, promoted interdisciplinary and intersectional research on issues of diversity, identity, and social difference, sponsored diversity-focused intellectual and creative programs for OSU departments of Asian American, African American, Latina/o, American Indian, Disability, and Sexuality Studies.


Reader, Ohio State Second-Year Writing Program Diversity Outcomes Assessment, Summer 2017. 


Coordinator, OSU Humanities Institute Interdisciplinary Working Group on “Confinement,” Fall 2016–Spring 2017.


Co-Chair, The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) Graduate/Professional Committee. (2013–2016)

  • Programmed, developed, coordinated and marketed university-wide events for graduate and professional students.


Facilitator, Graduate Student Working Group sponsored by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, Department of English, The Ohio State University. (SP 2015)


Peer Mentor, Department of English, The Ohio State University. (2014-Present)

  • Mentored incoming master’s and doctoral students.


Roundtable Participant, 44th Annual Graduate & Professional Student Recruitment Initiative (GPS) at Ohio State. (AU 2014)

  • Answered questions from prospective Ohio State graduate students on diversity and inclusion issues in higher education.


Graduate Student Representative, The Diversity & Inclusion Committee, Dept. of English, The Ohio State University. (2014-2015)


Executive Committee Representative, English Graduate Organization (EGO) Steering Committee at OSU. (AU 2014)


Outreach and Communications Coordinator, English Graduate Organization (EGO) Steering Committee at OSU. (SP 2015)


Member, NASSR Graduate Student Board. (2014-Present)


Member, The Diversity and Identity Studies Collective at OSU (DISCO). (2013-Present)


Professional Association Memberships


British Women Writers Association (BWWA)

The International Conference on Romanticism (ICR)

The Modern Language Association (MLA)

North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR)

North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA)




Professor Carrie Preston,

Professor Clare Simmons,

Professor David Riede,

Professor Jacob Risinger,



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